Yes. YES. YES. Love the outfit. So much. YES. And the background. YES. I need to find more retrowave stuff now.
Yes. YES. YES. Love the outfit. So much. YES. And the background. YES. I need to find more retrowave stuff now.
*old Southern man voice* Five Nights at Freddy’s ain’t what it used to be. Back in my day, you only got one room, you never saw your character, the animatronics didn’t talk to ya and there weren’t no friendly ones!
Jokes aside, this is really cool. I like how you did the (presumably) glow in the dark stars and the glowing eyes up against the dark shading.
ty,, the skrunkly
Love the intense glow!
I love the beautiful colors, textures, and slight movements! That bunny looks tired from folding all the paper cranes. I'm sure they'll fold a thousand and get their wish eventually.
Love the space effects, perspective blur, and the way the big gouge in the background looks!
This is really creepy with all those various effects. I love it.
Hah, I get that. At least there's an easy way to get into them!
I like the bubble effects and the fact that the mistletoe is on his tail, haha
So many colors! So many facets! ...So much CRUNCH!
I love it. It's great. The fact that it's so small in the frame makes it even funnier.
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18