Very cute design and I love the heart bubble effects in the background!
Very cute design and I love the heart bubble effects in the background!
She’s pretty. Oh my god. I don’t know who this character is, but I am absolutely having a lesbian moment. Good work on the art!
Big fan of the colors, lighting, and effects! I think you’ve got great things ahead of you here on NG!
Love the stylistic stuff you did.
My favorite part about this is how the alien is still an alien, just trying to blend in as a human this time, a la Invader Zim. That’s funny.
First review was written when I was tired and sick of being pulled into a fight between two parties I didn’t want to choose between to begin with.
Not bad line art! It’s got some sketchy bits that just need a clean up.
But once again, I just wish you would stop obsessing over what other artists say to other people. It’s not healthy for you, and it’s giving you a reputation for being an insecure drama queen, which just makes people hate you more. I want to see you prosper here, but you can’t do that if you don’t chill out.
Thanks for taking this seriously Theta. I've been through it all. I know I'm a weirdo, but you're safe to dump circumstances on me, OK?
Hey, what sketchy bits would you clean up? I was kinda OK with the wonky lines around the edges, but think I failed at proportions. Is this accurate?
I'll determine what's healthy or not for myself, as we all must do. Take care of yourself.
I’m surrounded by self-shipping.
Love the colors!
There was going to be a comic with yet another Rae in yet another ship? Dear god, how big is this extended universe?
Very pretty art!
Hurrhurr. There IS a long running comic. But no. Her name is Axel.
This is a cool alternate design! I looked at your recent OC as well and I can tell you’ve really got some good design sense, especially for horror! I think you would be good friends with @nurm123 - you’ve got similar tastes!
Main thing I can think of to improve on is smoother line work and paying attention to any kinks in the curves. It might also be time to start working on adding detail to your backgrounds. Hopefully that should help with your art in the future!
I appreciate the response and I'll keep that artist in mind ☺️
And I'll be sure to work on improving my art
Oh look, it’s Umlaut! Hallo!
You’ve done a pretty decent job with this artwork. If I were to suggest anything, I’d recommend working on clean line work, smooth curves, and proportions. It seems you’ve been improving on that a bit with the more recent stuff!
Thank you so much for your suggestion. ^w^
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18