I knew it was going to be that Jeaney audio, lol.
Animation is pretty basic and the art could use some work to make it look less wobbly, but you did well with the timing and visual placement.
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I knew it was going to be that Jeaney audio, lol.
Animation is pretty basic and the art could use some work to make it look less wobbly, but you did well with the timing and visual placement.
Funny knight does funny dance. The exaggerated body language felt hard to read at a couple times, but otherwise, fun!
This is so silly, I love it.
At times, I think the animation is a bit too smooth and slow for how the movements should look. But I can't fault this at all, look at his smile.
Drunken art connoisseur stumbles through art gallery "MMPH"ing against walls to find secret areas.
This is hilarious. Well done.
Really love how it's come along so far! I only have a few small nitpicks:
1. Would be nice to have alternate control schemes. I know that typically this is a "left hand on the WASD and right on the mouse" deal, but at least with this time playing it, my left hand wasn't really dexterous enough to even outrun the crumbling bridge in the second level.
2. Cooldown time on the regular attack doesn't feel quite right, I think. Especially when you're having to deflect a lot of things coming at you like in the miniboss fight.
3. Can there be different sounds for when the player gets hurt vs when the enemies get hurt and when projectiles are hit back? If I'm aiming for a damage-less fight with the turnip, it becomes hard to tell whether I'm still meeting the requirements or not.
4. I kinda wish you could go back to specific segments of a level so you don't have to redo the whole thing. Initially I accidentally locked myself out of finding all of Big Mama's children, and I didn't want to intentionally kill myself to redo the level, so I went back to the menu and found out I had to redo the whole Herbal Hills segment again.
Otherwise, this is coming along really well and it's still just as charming as the prototype I played!
Because of the hitboxes, relative movement speed, and the enemies always homing towards me, I feel like they're pretty hard to avoid. I may just need to git gud, though. I love the aesthetics and general theme!
Yooo, I found this from the YouTube video! Has no one else from NG commented on it yet, really?
Well, welcome to audio posting. I like the effects on this one. Maybe to get to the next level you can really dive deep into finessing the production on the tracks you make.
It’s quiet, but also slightly intense and unnerving with the percussion and swelling chords.
I started making plans for a sequel to I’m Not a Doll today. This might be what I need.
Was hoping this was going to have the same kind of energy as Mr. Smile. Did not disappoint. Potentially might use this for another game, who knows? c:
The Watchman reminds me a bit of the work of Doctor Nowhere. Maybe you’d like his monster designs. :O
I like the subtle details shown against the darker shapes.
Lol, that Mug girl is how I feel hanging out with other girls (i.e. girls with better fashion sense than me).
These are all really cute and creative, I love how the fruits are incorporated in as the buns and the Mug mascot is a pet, hehe.
Sounds like you were the perfect target audience for this one, Im glad you appreciated the little details!
Really like the effects and all. Nice art style as well, realistic art in pixel art always baffles me even if it’s sketch-like.
I see we both worked on Forest Shack?
Thank you, I enjoy drawing regular busts in Pixel art from time to time.
We did work on Forest Shack. I did some writing and editing for the game.
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
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Joined on 8/11/18