I’m not the biggest fan of getting languagesplained in general. It’s just petty to act smug over language mistakes. If this makes you feel better, from my experience, those kinds of people are usually just insecure and looking for reasons to be right. Some might also be on the autistic spectrum - I know that reading the implied meanings can be more of a struggle for us, so it would make sense that some individuals might develop a hatred of people speaking in any way that they don’t understand. I have a feeling that this is especially true for when someone in an informal context gets mad that you’re using a word in a colloquial or casual sense that can be understood by most people, rather than as what it means literally. If they’re not just fishing for an argument, then it’s probably the case that they struggle to understand anything that isn’t literal. (Not a justification by any means, just a potential cause.)
Only nitpick on the art itself is it took me a bit to understand what the comic meant. This is the first time it’s been that way, though. Perhaps a bit more setup would’ve helped? Otherwise, nice work.