Love the unexpected vibrance of the color scheme here! It fits the nature theme well, but still feels kind of alien, which is cool.
Love the unexpected vibrance of the color scheme here! It fits the nature theme well, but still feels kind of alien, which is cool.
Thanks, that was the intention.
Looks like you did a good job! Both of these designs look pretty animation-friendly, so maybe they could be part of a fanwork or parody in the future! The Sr Pelo version could be in a fanmade Spooky Month thing, and the purple version looks more fitting for ENA, maybe.
Someday I'll conquer the medium of animation... Maybe then, I could throw this guy in there as a little easter egg, lol.
Love the expressiveness and his design! It’s cool how you managed to work in a bit more of your usual stylized approach, even with a more detailed and realistic artwork!
thank you!! <3
*in devil costume on your shoulder* Keep it going. Turn it into size fetish art.
But yeah, putting aside that part because I can’t comment on it, she looks cute in your style and I’m happy to see her still being appreciated. I always liked her design. Got an artwork in wip limbo with an original design based on her, you’re reminding me to try to work on it some more.
It's always nice to see more of her, yes! It sure was surprising to see someone appreciate her so much to ask for her in an AT.
But yeah! Thanks!
Never heard of Coromon! It seems pretty cool! And I love the lightning pattern in the background!
It's a pretty neat game! Gets my recommendation.
You should totally make a color version of this, and add the other characters! Unless you have and I missed it.
There are a couple decisions I would’ve made differently about what color goes where, but I get that this is old.
Thanks for the kind words on my many icons. Yeah I did forget about this one, I better get on it soon.
Someone likes this guy, eh? (Joking.)
Love the use of different color palettes here.
no, no joking i do like this guy
i like this guy to a sickening degree and way more than he deserves LMAO
thank you! <3
YO I didn’t know that was a thing! Nice! Your style feels like a really good fit for ENA.
AHHH thank you so much !! >_<
An Identity V character who looks like a Dark Souls boss. Huh!
Tiny nitpick, I feel like the character is a bit small in frame and it could benefit from making the pose a bit more compact or cropping some stuff out.
true he looks alot like something from dark souls or bloodborne
and i can see that criticism thank you it does feel kinda small yeah
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
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Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18