I love the use of loose brush strokes here, makes it feel more of a sense of movement than if everything were super polished. Nice dynamic composition as well.
I love the use of loose brush strokes here, makes it feel more of a sense of movement than if everything were super polished. Nice dynamic composition as well.
Thank you so much i really appreciate it!!!
Are they doing magical girl poses? That’s amazing. It’d be funny to see this animated - silly knights doing flashy poses against horrifying undead abominations.
Well, theyre not supposed to be magical girl poses but looks like it now that i think about it XD and i actually have 3 OVAs of Castle Crashers if you want to check them out :3
It’s so ugly and disgusting, I love it. You really exhibited your style and art technique to the fullest here.
Thanks. :D
Man, you’re good at this style. Love the premise as well - hell, the cross between food delivery and parkour would make for a great platformer game adaptation of your comic. If you ever want to, there’s lots of programmers here who’d be interested in collaborating.
Hey! thankyou for your comment, you really made my day. Right now I'm trying to finish the first "season" of the story in webcomic format, but once I'm done with that, I would love to try and make a videogame, thanks for letting me know, that's why I love communities like this.
How do you come up with these?
Aahh thanks! I mostly like to mix creature ideas with mundane objects that could end up in fun designs on a sketchbook. The Tomato Frog may be a bit dfferent because I was aware of the red tomato frog so it's inspired by the species in particular haha
The contest intrigues me, I might see what it was all about and try to do the challenge retrospectively, just for the learning experience.
I love the environmental storytelling here, and how much is conveyed in the expression even though the guy's mouth is covered with a gas mask.
Edit: AH. Now I get it.
That'd be Josiah Brook's linework. The objective was to color one of his images.
I think my coloring has improved since, but all I can take credit for is the coloring.
Absolutely fabulous. That pose and outfit are everything.
Thanku thanku 🤘
Lizards! :3
Love the colors!
Thank you!!
He really do go o_o
Love the lighting contrast, really makes this piece pop!
thank you, i was stressing!
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18