This is horrifying and makes me feel disturbed. Well done, I'm going to follow you.
This is horrifying and makes me feel disturbed. Well done, I'm going to follow you.
Thank you!
Could be an album cover! Love the angle!
I don’t usually comment, since I’m here for your art style and not the content itself, but you’re based for using the epilogue outfit so we know she’s grown up.
Love the way you draw long hair.
“I have two sides.” I love them in your style!
Do you have any interest in drawing horror art? I do have a Pokémon horror collab going on currently, and I’m trying to pitch it to people in case they’d be up for putting something in 😅
sadly horror isn't really my forte <':
also i can't be joining any collabs right now in general, got a lot on my plate u_u
Eeee pretty :D (I say that every time, don’t I?)
Thank you! <3 Some repetition is always welcome~! <3
The last one is adorable! Love the designs!
Ty! (「`^ω^)「
Of course with a title that could be interpreted… differently. ;)
Really cute! I think the water needs a little practice, but otherwise your backgrounds are coming along nicely!
True, I probably want to fix up the water, The original title idea was worse!
x0triple0 drew this man with some serious Ghetsis energy, so my curiosity was piqued and I had to go check out the original.
I love the lighting and shading here, as well as the angular lines work of your style.
Wow thank you so much!!! Glad, you like the angular style, it's definitely the most fun part :)
Love the way you stylized all of them!
thank you so much 😄!!!
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18