Very expressive! I love the poses and the eyes! The design and clothing are solid too.
and birb :3
Very expressive! I love the poses and the eyes! The design and clothing are solid too.
and birb :3
Thank you thank you! ^^
Welcome back!
This has gotta be one of my favorite Bowsette designs I've seen. I can appreciate any Bowsette who doesn't just look like a Bowser-themed version of the time Peach was possessed by the Shadow Queen. Love the dynamic lighting a lot as well! Nice work!
aw shucks, thank you ;w; costume design is tough for me so that means a lot (i was also just bored at the laundromat when i started sketching so going off memory was a factor lol)
Love this rendering, and the outfit!
thank you! <3
It went from the “generic Hot Topic t-shirt” kind of rendering to the “fantasy tabletop game” kind of rendering. Which is to say, it got a lot better! Nice work!
I could not describe it better, thank you for the nice comment as always :)
Looks really good! I like how each of them has a different theme and basic look.
I do think that some of these could benefit from a little more of an attempt at shading, but others in the series look pretty good! Nice work overall.
I love how much spicy snek you managed to fit into the boundaries of the circle. Gives a good impression of just how big and long this thing is. The pattern looks awesome too.
Thank you ^^ I really want to keep things within these circular borders, for the sake of the test game, but it's made me get really creative with how to convey specific things.
Love your take on the knight outfit!
I love them! And the names are really clever hehe
I think I have almost as much fun naming my characters than designing them. :'D
Your style is cool! Pretty clean scan too!
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18