It sounds like it’s peaking a little bit, and it’s a little bit hard to hear the effect, but I think this totally has a use in the future!
It sounds like it’s peaking a little bit, and it’s a little bit hard to hear the effect, but I think this totally has a use in the future!
Good shitpost lol. Is that just you eating into the mic?
Weird funky beat, I enjoy its strangeness.
You’ve got a song called “Ahh”? I’ve got a song called “AAH”! I’ve gotta take a look at this one!
I love the instrumentation, but I agree with @Dynamic0 - it could benefit from a melody being introduced somewhere in the buildup. I also expected the buildup to lead somewhere, like a bass drop type of thing followed by a more intense section. Since this is an experimental track, I get that you didn’t quite know where it was going, but I think it’s got potential and you should definitely revisit it!
Yeah..I don't know how to make beat drops...I didn't know that I was a making a buildup, I'm kinda new to making music, maybe this does have some potential! The problem is, this was made in Beepbox, and when you save a file, I can't really get it back to add something to the saved song, but, oh well.
Definitely still a work in progress, but you’ve got a good sense of rhythm! I’d suggest you modify the EQ (probably take down the treble) and mixing to have a less grating sound before you begin, though.
Okay then, thanks for the review, mate!
Definitely captures both the intensity and the weirdly nostalgic feel of the game for earlier Flash. If what I’m saying makes any sense?
This is an absolute banger, no pun intended! (Get it... industrial percussion goes bang?)
The more I listen to your stuff, the more I appreciate how driving and intense it is. I love that kind of music! This is definitely a boss fight and I love it.
Love the percussion! Feels decently chill. Could work as a background track to a game.
Seems to be a little trouble keeping time in some parts, but that’s not really that noticeable.
Love the riffs and the structure as a whole!
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
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Joined on 8/11/18