Ey! I admire that you’re posting your hand drawn stuff even though people don’t say it’s good. That’s the thing that keeps art alive - persistence and the will to keep going.
I’ve got two bits of advice with regards to this. One, this is a minor nitpick, but maybe try using blank paper instead of graph or lined paper. That way, the lines on the paper won’t get in the way of your art. Second, I suggest you start using Google Images to find reference photos for the things you want to draw. That will help your art get better faster.
But anyway, nice work and I’m glad you posted this!
Edit: Reference images are useful because they show you how to draw things. For instance, I'm not sure what that object is (a fire?) and what it's supposed to be producing (smoke?) You might need to use Google Images to learn a bit more about how to draw fire and smoke. Basically if you have an image you can look at for what you're trying to draw, you can study that image and see how it's supposed to look. :)