Haha, his face looks kind of like “not sure how to feel about this...”
Good to see you back! You did an awesome job with the wings. Great work overall as well, as always.
Haha, his face looks kind of like “not sure how to feel about this...”
Good to see you back! You did an awesome job with the wings. Great work overall as well, as always.
Thanks!! This is rather old but I forgot to post it here lol
Hehehe, this could be a computer wallpaper...
Awesome composition of the pic and otherwise great execution as always!
Well thanks! :)
Not detailed enough for a background sadly, though. ahahah
SNRK! This is great!
In answering Snailsnip’s question: Umlauts on a vowel are used to signify different sounds in different languages. I know three pronunciations of o with umlaut. In Turkish and Icelandic it sounds kinda like “uh”, and in German it’s more “oo”. I’m not doing a very good job of transcribing it in any of those languages; it’s probably just best to look up a pronunciation guide on YouTube and hear it. Unfortunately I don’t know how it is in Swedish, which would be the best for this context since Ikea is a company from Sweden.
To ZeTrystan: Great execution as always! I especially love the sign with the fake Ikea product name, it makes this even more hilarious.
Also in french, they are usually a way to separate to vowels. (for example, ''maïs'' would be read as mah-iss and not m-è-s).
And thanks Escapist! :'D
Wow, you’ve got a talent for sprucing up ref images to make them really pop! I really admire that, considering I myself try to take the time to present refs in a way that looks nice as well.
Tiny nitpick on the color palette: usually you’d want to include all of the colors that are used in the design. I don’t see the light brown in there. But otherwise, nice work!
Thanks a lot. I debated putting the light brown due to the fact it's so similar to the brown on the shirt. This was actually my first ref sheet ever made and I'm delighted to hear that it caught another's eye.
Ouch haha, that doesn’t sound like fun at all.
You’re really good at making these funny comics, like you know the best way to tell these jokes. Artistic execution is great as always. Great job!
Well, happy you think so! :)
Aww! Really nice job, the bird and the branches and everything look really realistic and accurate. Congrats on another feature!
Thank you!
Bahaha, this is the best! I love all the little details and everything. Really well done.
In case you were wondering what that means, a lot of old Western movies were filmed in Italy rather than the US (for monetary reasons I believe). Hence the term. :)
Oh so I’m really, really gone too far. Thanks for the explanations ! ;)
Congratulations! Best of luck for whatever you do after this!
This is really pretty. It’s a bit hard to say exactly what it looks like to me but that’s part of what I like about it. The light effects are especially cool! What program do you use to make all of these cool trippy pictures?
Thanks for respond :)
Program : Polish , you can download this on Google play (its for tablet ).
Hey there! First of all, let me say that your coloring is pretty solid. I recommend you practice faces and poses a bit, as her face is a bit lopsided and she's leaning a little bit to the left. Don't let this discourage you! I can see from all the art you've posted in a short time span that you're really persistent. Keep it up!
Thank you for your response, I do need to try different poses for each drawing. I may need to practice something
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18