Very dynamic poses! Definitely conveys Stanley's personality really well.
Very dynamic poses! Definitely conveys Stanley's personality really well.
he do be stretchy doe
By the way, the way you do the color lists on reference images is pretty good. (I'm noticing this because I really don't do many reference images and so I don't really know how to make the formatting look good lol)
ty! im really lazy and i color drop so it can be helpful!
What's the mask, by the way? Just what he wears to hide his identity when he's doing his red room thing?
yeah! so he can get in the shot and do the gorey deeds anonymously!
I love everything about this! You did an excellent job with the leather pants and the holographic jacket and sandals. The floofy hair is amazing, and the sparkles everywhere make this look so dreamy! The expression, pose, and even outfit really give me a good impression of what this character is like. Great job all around!
Omg thank you so much for saying!
I'm very happy that this drawing please you. ♥
That is awesome! Once again, how the heck?! The flowing hair and clothes and the detailed gun and the wrinkles in the clothing! My little pixel-art-incapable mind is blown. Great work! Consider yourself followed!
Thank you for the follow and the comment :)
Oh, that's so cute! I have a friend who would love this character concept and design, I'm going to show this to her now (send my compliments to illufinch!) The pose is adorable, as is the blinking animation. Great shading and colors and everything. I'm always impressed by people who can make pixel art this good, because I've tried my hand at pixel art a few times and I've never even gotten close to anything like that. How?! How does one do this? Sorry to ramble. Great job!
Thanks so much! Yes, the original design is the cutest, I had a lot of fun drawing it!
That is awesome! Very dynamic and dramatic. I love the bright colors up against the dark background. The pose is awesome too. Great job as always!
Thank you bro!!
As someone who hasn't seen Fullmetal Alchemist and knows close to nothing about it, I can say that this does an awesome job of giving me a general feel for what the character is like. I love the focus blur (if that's what you call it - things are sharper in the foreground and less so in the background), the lighting, everything. You also do a very good job of integrating anime style with your digital painting techniques. Awesome job!
Thanks a lot for the kind comment as always! Though I do have to admit something and confess my sins: he looks way more smug here than he is in the show, I got carried away by the drawing lol, he's usually either a bit more serious or a bit more silly in character. But definitely badass, always badass.
Jeez, this is awesome! I'm blown away by everything about it! It almost seems like everything is in motion. Another great one from PkBlitz! Glad you had fun with it!
Thank you soooo so much bro!
Same feedback as before - I love the art, just wish it had exported better. I love the pose and the expression, really gives life to this character! The background with the shape is awesome too! Great job!
I agree, This was my first attempt at a 80's style render, it felt weird for me as well when I uploaded.
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
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Joined on 8/11/18