I’m scared now. But then again, Sol always induced a feeling of trepidation in me. Great work as usual.
I’m scared now. But then again, Sol always induced a feeling of trepidation in me. Great work as usual.
:D he is just
just standing there
Hah, that’s funny! Poor you. I personally can’t relate but I definitely know some other people who would know your pain. This and “I Want a House” both show that you can take annoyances in your life and make them into funny comics that a lot of people can relate to. Good skill/copinh mechanism to have. Nice work!
Need a coping mechanism to deal with a the little non-important drama I have haha.
Wow, that first drawing looks so clean and accurate to the art style! Great work! Also love the design!
Thanks so much! I'm pretty pleased with her design myself.
Holy crap, it’s someone who can make the oddly colored lipstick from Jojo character designs look good, haha! Really good job drawing your character in the style. Nice work!
Thank you! I'm still learning the works with this style, but is been a neat experience so far!
Aww, so wholesome! I like the way in which you drew the glow effects. The background, also, really helps bring the whole thing together.
Well thanks! I always try to find ways to stylize a bit the glowing effects haha
The concept is cool, that's for sure. So is the color scheme. I feel like you went a bit crazy with the speckles/stars, though. They make the top and center of the picture seem a bit cluttered and less clean. Good to see you back, though! Looking forward to seeing more art soon!
Wow ... i really glad what you honestly say for me what you think about this art .
Stars and speckles ... i think this can improve art and made this , hmmm... not empty .
But maybe i ad this much more than need :)
Arts maybe uploaded not so oftenly , because now i sick , and soon i hire for work .
But i continue made for you and others fan , new arts , dont worry ;)
Really quick question, is this your DeviantArt account? If so, you can indicate as such by adding a link to it on your profile so that people will know it’s yours. If not, regardless of whether the original artist gave consent, Newgrounds really doesn’t like it if you post other people’s art, so please try to stay away from that!
Here’s a review for whoever drew this: The line art is very clean and the shading on the dress, boots, and skin is done well. I recommend you use reference images to figure out how to draw and shade fur (I know, it took me a long time to figure out too) and shade hair. Don’t let this discourage you. You’ve already got a lot of stuff right. If you keep practicing, you’ll figure out the other stuff too!
I guess you're right Reposting the Images and Arts
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18