Awww, I love that! So adorable, and an awesome job of the details and lighting once again!
Awww, I love that! So adorable, and an awesome job of the details and lighting once again!
Thank you! I had a lot of fun making this!
Another beautiful piece of quartz sushi. I love the colors and patterns!
<3 Thank you!
Very cute, and I love the design of the daughter, as well as that of the princess in the corresponding Shadow Queen picture.
tyvm ^^
Wow, really cool. There's not much to this picture (other than the sheer amount of painterly goodness in the characters), but it says so much even without a complicated background or anything! Really nice work!
Thank you very much, I created alternate versions of this image that are on my instagram or artstation :)
Oh dear... the Wisdom stat is low with this one.
Another cool 3D drawing with a cartoon style!
thank you !!
I'm a bit confused as to what the secret involved is (does it have to do with Cyana being partially pink in this pic?), but otherwise, another awesome and beautiful drawing!
Edit: OOH, that's her human form! Okay! I see now!
Do you notice the human form hiding under the moonlight
Man, you can do so many different art styles with Blender. How the heck do you make it happen?
magic :)
I love that so much! The pies all look so appetizing! Lovely colors and awesome shading. I legitimately want a pie now...
I must confess that my craving is endless
That's really cool. Not only the plant, but the poses and animations you use to convey the characters' emotions and personalities.
thank you !!
Dang, that's trippy. How do you get it to render like that? That's really impressive.
checker texture with window coordinates
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18