Bahahaha! Aww, I love it! So wholesome! I dearly hope you and that Lilliputian become pen pals ;)
Bahahaha! Aww, I love it! So wholesome! I dearly hope you and that Lilliputian become pen pals ;)
Of course we will! But we might switch to emails instead... :'D
I immediately thought about this video:
But in all seriousness: I love this pic. E's cute. Kinda reminds me of the Radiance from Hollow Knight the way you drew him. Mixed with the playable characters from Sky: Children of Light. Really nice interpretation and great cartoon style as always!
haha that vid
and happy you like him!
Mmmmm can’t stand to look at them their smiling faces are so unholy
Jokes aside, really nice job. Shading especially. Pink background is a bit odd but I’m cool with it.
Man, that’s cool. You put so much effort into it. Look at all the detail! Awesome color scheme too! How long did this take you?
Very atmospheric! I love the way you drew the trees, the moon, and the burnt parts of the house. Congrats on a feature!
thank you! and there's also a swing...
Little bit jerky, but that’s definitely understandable given the context. One thing you did particularly well was the smear frames as the character spins the bottles. You also did a great job of how the light is refracted through the glass. Looking forward to see where your animation work goes from here!
This is wholesome, haha! Really well done as usual.
Aha, I see you’ve answered an all-too-important question!
I quite love this pic. It’s cute and clever. Always a really good job with the pose and facial expression!
Once again, I feel like the gradients in the hair should be more gradual, unless I’m missing something. Otherwise, I absolutely love this. It’s really cute and wholesome and I love it.
Wow, it kinda looks like a Pokemon, actually! I really like how you drew the little electricity sparks and then used them for the arms and legs! I have yet to look at the witches you drew earlier still, haha.
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
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Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18