Aww! Really nice job, the bird and the branches and everything look really realistic and accurate. Congrats on another feature!
Aww! Really nice job, the bird and the branches and everything look really realistic and accurate. Congrats on another feature!
Thank you!
@jthrash: Or girl. Girls can like Cyana too. ;)
To PM: I love the motion lines, those really give the drawing more energy. I also love how you colored the lines to match the outfit - nice artistic choice!
He can’t be president! Miles is gonna be president!
Jokes aside, fun property this drawing has: I’m sitting in the dark looking at this and it looks like the wavy part of his hair is moving, like it’s made of dark matter or something. Also that’s a creepy smile dear God. Ad guy vibes. Yeah, the whole drawing does a good job of conveying the shadiness of this character, right down to the dark reddish filter. I’m staying the heck away from him.
That’s hilarious, I love it. I like the background and the cartoon sparkles too, those touches really add some more energy to the drawing.
SNRK! Okay, that’s really funny and creative. I love it. Great execution as always.
Bahaha, this is the best! I love all the little details and everything. Really well done.
In case you were wondering what that means, a lot of old Western movies were filmed in Italy rather than the US (for monetary reasons I believe). Hence the term. :)
Oh so I’m really, really gone too far. Thanks for the explanations ! ;)
Okay, everyone, just to clarify, the other guy’s character is a drag queen. Not a girl. Yeah, I didn’t realize that myself until Wes told me. You’re welcome.
Nice job Wes! The hearts are cute.
(I don’t always fave pics with Sol in them, but when I do...)
Yay, you posted it! :D
I especially love the little touches in the background, the hearts and the cartoon lines. Those make it more fun!
Congratulations! Best of luck for whatever you do after this!
This is really pretty. It’s a bit hard to say exactly what it looks like to me but that’s part of what I like about it. The light effects are especially cool! What program do you use to make all of these cool trippy pictures?
Thanks for respond :)
Program : Polish , you can download this on Google play (its for tablet ).
Hey there! First of all, let me say that your coloring is pretty solid. I recommend you practice faces and poses a bit, as her face is a bit lopsided and she's leaning a little bit to the left. Don't let this discourage you! I can see from all the art you've posted in a short time span that you're really persistent. Keep it up!
Thank you for your response, I do need to try different poses for each drawing. I may need to practice something
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
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Joined on 8/11/18