Awesome work! I love the dynamic pose and the magic effect - the motion is spot-on as always! Nice job!
Awesome work! I love the dynamic pose and the magic effect - the motion is spot-on as always! Nice job!
The angle makes it a little bit hard to see the fact that the wolf is sitting, but that is a tiny nitpick. Otherwise, amazing design and animation!
thank you !!
Every day you must ask yourself whether you will let other people and their opinions be able to control you or whether you will decide for yourself what you think is right. It can be hard to deal with the sting of criticism - you won't be able to learn that instantly. But I think that looking at it this way will probably help.
That said, nice comic, and snazzy top hat.
Really nicely done lineless art! I wonder if you could experiment a bit with the hair highlights to make them a bit smoother? Otherwise, really nice work!
Yeah... hair is tough. But thx uwu
AAAAAH so adorable! I love it! This little guy could be a steel type gym leader or something.
I love how you made the movement look so good. How'd you make it work with so many moving parts?
that'd be cute!
It takes care and effort, but with 3d animation at least you can do it bit by bit very easily.
Hah, I love how you made the drawing style worse in the fourth panel to further convey the point!
Interesting change of color scheme for the human form! Or, not really color scheme, but more like placement of the colors in the color scheme. Also I love the choice of a bunny for an animal form - were you inspired by the rabbit in the moon in multiple eastern folktales?
Definitely getting better! My only suggestion is more defined shapes in Sans's hoodie - I wonder if there's a tutorial out there to do a digital painting like that. Hmm. The background looks great, though, and the style of speech bubbles you used is really good! Nice work!
Very nice designs, and I love the color schemes! Maybe adding something to the background would make it pop out, but that's really the only criticism I have.
I love what you did with the outline around her! The pose is cute too.
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18