Very fun! I love it! Your stylistic choices in this one look cool too!
Very fun! I love it! Your stylistic choices in this one look cool too!
thank you! i like how it came out!
Lots of good stuff here! It amuses me that May’s best artwork is PO3 in a maid dress.
I love the lighting and composition, and I’m a sucker for a good aurora borealis. Nice work, great style, and have a great Christmas!
Thank you!!!!! I am super glad you like it! Happy holidays to you as well!
I think the facial proportions look a bit odd, but otherwise, the style you’re coming to seems pretty decent, especially the eyes and the chromatic aberration stuff. There’s lots of anime style art on NG, so keep whatever bits you need to to make it truly yours!
This is so silly and I love it. Nice work with the movements in the animation, and the artwork overall!
Love the design, especially how you draw the fur.
Shiny friends! Love the composition of the image.
Looks great and I love the sunny D joke, haha.
Looks awesome in both style and composition! The colors are fun too!
I better go join his server, I didn’t know that was a thing!
Great shading and everything!
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18