Love the design!
Love the design!
Hi, Satan!
(context for anyone out of the loop: apparently in the lore this pokémon has the same backstory as actual Lucifer)
Love the pink and blue spacey stuff in the background to go with Palkia and Dialga!
Creepy butterflies are cool butterflies. Really sweet designs!
This is adorable! Love the tortoise steed, that’s a clever addition!
You’re getting really good at these faces!
This actually looks really good!
Hope things get better soon, whatever your situation was.
I hope so too bro
More Waha lore and promise of a new game!? WOO!
Very well executed, nice work.
That’s really cute! Really great line work, it’s beautiful and I like how you varied the pencil pressure to draw distant things.
I used to do that with pencils, but I ended up using hard and soft pencils to get consistent line opacity.
I just realized I know someone in real life who basically has Kuzei’s fashion sense.
Love the cute poses!
Nice! I dig anyone who can rock a cute, pink puffer jacket. 💖
Thank you!!
When the whole city is full of bi people. Sounds like a place for me to live lol
Jokes aside, the colors are really pretty and I like how you used them to convey a sense of depth and perspective with the buildings in the distance.
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18