Very cool aesthetically, looks like an approach to art that I might want to try messing around with.
Very cool aesthetically, looks like an approach to art that I might want to try messing around with.
I'm inspired by the album covers from the band Julie
I uh, think you linked the wrong thing lol
Very cute overall and I like the colors a lot!
Of course not, they are singing "SILENT HILL" by Kendrick Lamarr.
I love old OCs! He looks kickass in your redraw, lol.
Vampire Medic is extremely fitting. I love how you incorporated parts of his original design into this one.
Thank you, you’re always so kind!
Love the composition of this a lot!
Very cute, interesting design, and I second Bleak’s comment about the multimedia look. I love digital art that emulates traditional art techniques, and collages are one flavor of that that I wish I saw more of.
Hell yeah I do!
Love your art style, and the green lighting is very cool.
Thank you!
I love them! They’re super cute and creepy at the same time!
That collab is so cool, by the way. I had to drop out because I already had a lot on my plate, but I’m hyped to see how it comes out!
The funny thing about a grave robber and plague doctor duo is it lines up with Beetlejuice’s backstory from the second movie. I love it.
I love the hatching shading here!
Thank you!
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18