Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
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Theta Orionis @Thetageist

Legal adult, Undead



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Thetageist's News

Posted by Thetageist - November 1st, 2023


As you know, I've been going bonkers with various Halloween projects going at the same time, including the Shrieks and Screams Collab, Creepypasta Collab, Spooktacular Writing Contest, deathink's art contest, and even my own (non-judged) game jam with a game I directed. Not to mention the several quick artworks and additions I made to other contests and collabs this month. Whew, that's a lot!

While all of this was worth the hustle, I'm going to need to recuperate. For the month of November, I'm going to stay away from posting a lot on NG and avoid the social media aspects (Forums, etc) entirely. This is my time to relax and focus on projects for myself and my friends, rather than signing up for a ton of deadlines. Ideally you'll still get to see the content I make posted here, but I won't be answering comments on it or DMs.

You can find me on a lot of Discord servers while I'm gone from here, including the official @strongstead-hills server, the NG Audio Portal Collab Center, Stepford's game dev server, and @HatiValcoran's official Forest Shack server. I also have a YouTube account you can watch, though I keep the comments turned off so I don't have one more thing to answer. A video review of the Costume Jam entries will be done this weekend and posted to my channel, so stay tuned!

Good luck, everyone, and have a wonderful November!

-Cass (Thetageist)



Posted by Thetageist - October 15th, 2023

Wrapping up the Costume Jam 2023 interview series, today we're speaking with Heglaé Malheiros Maia, the artist of KawaiiGames.net. Hailing from the colorful Espírito Santo, Brazil, her focus is primarily on high-quality anime-styled dress-up games and virtual coloring books. Many of her own games also feature shoutouts to her favorite corners of pop culture, such as the recently updated Angel or Demon game containing items to recreate beloved characters like Nezuko from Demon Slayer. Let's dive right in and explore her creative universe!

When and where did you get your start making dress-up games? How do those origins compare to how dress-up games are now?

I started making dress-up games in 2008. I responded to a job ad on a Deviantart forum. It was an ad looking for DollMakers on the now-defunct website CartoonDollEmporium. I sent my link to my portfolio, and they asked me for a test. It was to create a base body and some clothes. I remember I made a doll very inspired by Misa Amane, from the Death Note manga and I passed! Here is the test link: https://www.deviantart.com/heglys/art/Doll-sample-1-76655404

I spent a year and a half at this company and that's where it all started and I learned a lot there.

A lot has changed since then. Dress-up games are more complex, from the art style to the game mechanics. In the past, it was a very simple system of dragging and dropping the clothes onto the doll and that's it! Now dress-up games have multiple dolls to dress in the same game, tons of options, very elaborate art, and "levels" within the game, such as starting with skin treatments, holding a fashion show, or decorating a room. Honestly, I miss the simpler, shorter games.

What do you consider to be your specialty as a creator and curator of dress-up games?

I focus on creating anime-style dress-up games. I feel that today's dress-up games have beautiful art, but always with a style inspired by Disney or inspired by the style of LOL Surprise. And I feel like there aren't that many anime-style dress-up games, avatar creators, and coloring games. In the past, there were more anime-style games, when Rinmaru was still creating dress-up games. So I try to keep this style alive because I know there are players looking for this style of art and also because I really like this style, as it is in my comfort zone when I draw.

You’ve been at this for long enough that this is a full-time job. What does a typical work day look like for you?

I consider myself organized, but I think I should be even more organized.

I wake up at 8 a.m., have breakfast calmly, and then start work.

I access my personal email and Kawaii Games work email and see what needs to be responded to, deleted, etc. In the Kawaii Games email, I usually check if there are comments about the games on the website and I always try to respond.

I also check the site's statistics and earnings.

I write down my demands in an app called Notion, where I can make a to-do list and everything I plan to do for Kawaii Games in 4 self-explanatory tables organized as follows: To Do, Pending, Issues, Done! Then I take a look at the “To Do” board and see what is a priority.

The tasks are related to developing a dress-up game or coloring game, fixing a buggy game, uploading a cool game from other game developers, checking cultural promotion notices, and making posts for social networks. I admit that the latter is something that I have a lot of difficulty with and don't prioritize as much.

Between 1:30 pm and 2:00 pm, I have lunch and rest by watching fails on YouTube with my husband.

When I get back, I continue doing something that's on Notion's "To Do" board or study a little. I'm taking a postgraduate course in Game Development.

Then I finish my work at around 6 pm.

This may be a touchy question, but what relationship have you had with your player base or users?

I don't have a big fan base. I think it took me a long time to do social media and also to dedicate myself to my own brand compared to other developers. But the few fans of the brand I have are very special to me. Sometimes I receive some extremely affectionate comments, saying how they have been playing games for years and that they have known me since the time I worked at StarSue.net and this warms my heart and gives me strength to continue, because working with games is far from being something super stable, financially speaking.

I've had a few episodes with trolls, but I honestly don't worry about it. I just saw the comment and deleted it. If it's a troll that's really bothering me, I'll ban it.

Where do you think the genre is going in the future? What would you personally like to see more of?

The trend is going more towards apps for sure. Many people prefer to download one or more apps than visit a website. That's why I always try to develop in both areas.

I feel like dress-up games lost a bit of steam after Flash's death. Flash games were easy for many artists to develop their own games because the programming was simple. Those who were unable to make this transition were left behind.

Honestly, I would like dress-up games to become popular again like in the golden era of Flash games, where there were many simple games, but with many options to choose from. Nowadays, many developers reuse game graphics a lot and we see the same doll face in multiple dress-up games, which makes everything very boring.

You were recently featured in a Brazilian art and game development event for your FolclorES (Espiritu Santo) coloring book game! This is a big victory! I bet this has opened up a lot of doors for you - what opportunities do you see yourself taking next?

Yes, I participated in Espírito Santo Innovation Experience 2023 (ESX 2023) and it was a huge event. I had my own stand where I could show Kawaii Games games, where I focused on the FolclorES Coloring Game and Mega Kawaii Chibi Avatar Maker. I think there were around 200 people at my stand, from babies to the elderly. People played the games and also received a physical coloring book as a gift.

In 2020 I discovered the cultural promotion notices in my state and signed up without much hope. I ended up passing the 2020, 2021, and 2022 notices and thus had financial support to create games! I was able to buy and upgrade work equipment, hire a small team by demand, and promote game development with advertisements. It was truly a turning point in my career.

I'm always keeping an eye on new announcements and also planning new games for Kawaii Games, always trying to make the brand known and grow more and more.

That's not the last of the Costume Jam, though! Because I'm not judging the entries, if you do make one, it will be played and given a shoutout in one final post after the 31st!




Posted by Thetageist - October 8th, 2023

The third Costume Jam interview is here, and we've got another special guest! Ola Rogula, founder of Doll Divine and Meiker, is here to offer her perspective on the development of the genre. Like DressUpGames.com, Doll Divine boasts a well-curated selection of games with good-looking graphics and wide arrays of options, as well as Ola's own games both drawn by her and commissioned from other artists. After the shutdown of Flash, she took it a step further by founding Meiker, where artists can create dress-up games of their own using just a PSD file with special codes in the layer names, and submit them to be playable on the site. Let's dive in!

When and where did you get your start making dress-up games? How do those origins compare to how dress-up games are now?

I started dabbling in dress ups when I was in college, around 2002. I was already familiar with Flash from making websites, and I saw that Flash dress up dolls were just starting to be a thing. Previously, it was the era of pixel "dollz", the ones where you drag around gifs on the page. I already knew what Flash is capable of, so when I realized it could be used for dress up games, I got really excited. Flash made it easy to add multiple skin tones and make each hairstyle in 20 colors, so I basically started making the games I wanted to play and went from there.

The death of Flash was really tragic, I think, because Flash allowed very novice creators to make something very complex and powerful, that just worked. Now it's all become a lot more convoluted. That's why I made meiker.io... to give people the tool that I wished I had if Flash wasn't around (since it's not). The idea is that artists can focus 100% on creation and don't have to worry hardly at all about coding.

What do you consider to be your specialty as a creator and curator of dress-up games?

I try to really hyper focus on two things: beautiful artwork and a powerful character maker, both in terms of my own games and curating the games of others. If you have something that has both, that's the holy grail. But those games are rare so I appreciate when a game at least has one or the other.

In terms of genres, my personal inclination is towards fantasy and historical/world games. I do love modern fashion but I'm not as hip as many, so I make an effort to stay on top of things, because those games are very popular. Games that echo real life really resonate with players.

You’ve been at this for long enough that this is a full-time job. What does a typical work day look like for you?

Right now I am co-parenting with my ex-husband so we do week-on and week-off. When the kids are here, I can only really work for the 6 hours while they're at school. When they're at they're dad's, I basically work all the time. This is all new though which is why you haven't seen much work from me lately, but that's about to change very quickly. I love my job and I love what I do. It's like a religious devotion lol.

This may be a touchy question, but what relationship have you had with your player base or users?

Amazing, overall. I feel like me and my players are all one hive mind sometimes. We are all nerds who love to escape to a fantasy land or just express ourselves in a creative way. I would say that 99.99% of my interactions with players have been positive or amazing. Occasionally there is drama but it's usually because the person is going through a tough time emotionally and needs a target to dump their frustration on. Sometimes I'm that target and that's okay. All public figures take their turns being the target lol.

Where do you think the genre is going in the future? What would you personally like to see more of?

We are finally seeing more professional games built around dressing up, which is both wonderful and horrible. Some of these games have an abundance of absolutely incredible artwork. But on the other hand, they are all monetized in a very meticulous way, designed to bleed you dry. I play an interior design app called Redecor and I've been addicted to it for two years. But you can progressively see them tweaking things to squeeze more money out of you and it's an icky feeling. These games aren't going away, but I do hope that indie games can continue to thrive along-side them because they provide a slightly different value proposition. The rise of tools like meiker and picrew is definitely strengthening the ability of indies to come up in the industry. We just need more tools to help the creators get paid for their hard work. That's something that's a part of the long-term meiker goals.

It's been a couple years now since you started the website Meiker.io for people to create their own dress-up games. What have you learned about the artist community and even the medium of dress-up games itself since you began?

Interestingly, not much has surprised me. I can see the same type of creatives using meiker as the ones using Flash back in the day. Trends and technologies change but the core groups of people are surprisingly consistent! The same themes are evergreen... More female than male games. Current modern fashion trends. Elves, mermaids and fairies. I suppose games exploring the diversity of human gender expression are much more popular now. I feel like I'm meeting up with the same people, just in a new building haha.

Next interview will hopefully be posted this upcoming weekend. See you then!




Posted by Thetageist - October 7th, 2023

Welcome back to the Costume Jam interview series, a collection of perspectives on the dress-up game genre from notable independent creators. Our second interview is with Inga from DressUpGames.com, a hub for quality dollmakers established in 1998. The site mostly uploads games from other places that reflect the high standards of the artist community, but Inga also commissions professional artists to create all-new games with interesting themes and beautiful graphics. Lately these games have been using the Meiker format created by Doll Divine - who's next in the interview lineup - enabling her to focus entirely on the artistic side of the game without worrying about the code. Let's dive in!

When and where did you get your start making dress-up games? How do those origins compare to how dress-up games are now?

I started the website in 1998 and it was sometime in the early 2000s that I started to develop making games. I used a drag and drop script that worked with browsers in those days and I would usually get the graphics from KiSS dolls (Kisekae set system) - always with permission! :) Definitely google kiss dolls if you're interested in computer dress-up games, they are very interesting! There was a lively community around them for a while but once the website owner that had the most dolls decided to put a pay barrier, people just lost interest I guess. Kiss dolls came before browser dress-up game like the ones I have featured throughout the years. 

People write to me, wanting to access the old games, but it's mostly nostalgia. Today's games are much better. Better graphics and better play features. Today's players would hate having to drag the clothes manually and try to drop them exactly in the right place. It was very tedious but we didn't have anything else!

What do you consider to be your specialty as a creator and curator of dress-up games?

I don't make games myself anymore, but I do buy the graphics. Because I've been doing this for so long I feel like I have a good idea about what people like and what will be popular. There are far too few game developers working today so I can not be as picky choosing games as I like to be. But I try my best. I now have a comments system on the site, under the games, and that has helped me knowing what users like and dislike.

You’ve been at this for long enough that this is a full-time job. What does a typical work day look like for you?

Sadly, I spend a lot of time replying to emails - not my favorite but necessary. I will be opening a new layout soon so a lot of my time now is spent on that. Exciting - but nerve wracking at the same time. As a general rule, users don't like changes, but sometimes it's just necessary.

This may be a touchy question, but what relationship have you had with your player base or users?

It's not a touchy question because I don't really have one. I do have a comment system under the games and sometimes I reply to comments and add comments of my own. But I wouldn't really call it a relationship. (Is it?) I've always wanted to keep my personal live private, which is why there is no information about myself on the site.

Where do you think the genre is going in the future? What would you personally like to see more of?

I would really like to see more online quality dress-up games. I would be great to have developers who are passionate about dress-up games and respectful of the users. Picrew.me and Meiker.io are definitely attracting new artists who can use those sites to make their art into games, that's exciting. I wish those artists would open their own sites, add advertising and they could make money from it. I know users don't like ads but they are necessary, we won't attract new artists and game developers if it's just a hobby to them and they have to pay all the costs.

Do you have any plans for future projects on DressUpGames? Any artists you're hoping to bring on board?

More games, more games - always more games!!! I have a relationship with some good artists that I hope will do more games for me, for example Lee Yan whose most recent game is Concert OOTD. I love his style and his games are always popular!

There are no artists that I have found but haven't brought on board yet. Finding new artists is extremely time consuming. You can email lots of artists and if you're lucky, one will end up doing graphics for me. Understandably, they have lots of questions for me so may contacts don't go anywhere. Once my new layout is online I'll go fishing for new artist!

The next interview will be released tomorrow! Follow me to stay tuned!




Posted by Thetageist - October 1st, 2023

Kicking off October and to add to the hype of the Costume Jam, I reached out to prominent independent developers in the world of dress-up games, to ask each a few questions about the genre and the part they've played in it. The very first response came from the artist and programmer behind Pastelkatto Games, previously known as Missangest Games. Pastelkatto's enchanting creations are celebrated for their boundless imagination, fantastical themes, and unwavering commitment to embracing diverse body types and abilities.

Some of Pastelkatto's classic Flash games are still playable on Candy's World; however, she is also on a mission to resurrect these gems, breathing new life into them by converting them to HTML5 so they can once again be made accessible directly on their website.

Enjoy this interview series as an exploration of the dress-up game genre as a whole and the unique role that each developer plays within it. Let's dive into the magic!

When and where did you get your start making dress-up games? How do those origins compare to how dress-up games are now?

Honestly I can't quite remember when I started, it must have been around 2011 when I started playing around with Adobe Flash. It started as fan art games just for fun but I ended up getting contacted by another dress up game developer that told me that I could start earning money from them and from there I started making them a little more seriously. I find that these days it's significantly harder to get into dress-up game development. Back then there was a lot of tutorials on deviantart that made it super easy for just about anyone to to them and thanks to that we had a wide variety of dress up games as far as both themes and art styles goes. While we have meiker and picrew to help people dabble into dress up game development, we still mostly have companies or a few indie devs making games and personally I quite miss the old passion projects.

What do you consider to be your specialty as a creator and curator of dress-up games?

I try my best to offer as many customization options as possible in my games. Sadly I've had to reduce the amount of options to be able to produce games faster, but I always try my best to provide big games with a higher replay value. I tend to value the same when I look for games to publish on my website, sometimes I will make exceptions if the art style looks really neat.

You’ve been at this for long enough that this is a full-time job. What does a typical work day look like for you?

Sadly at this point it no longer is. Revenues have been rough the past year and I'm currently studying full time instead and squeeze in game development whenever I have some time to spare. However back when it was my full time job I'd treat it as any other 9-5 job, starting in the morning and keep going at it until evening. I'd alternate between drawing the graphics, assembling the assets and writing code so I wouldn't sit and do the same thing for hours, I've found it helped me to stay focused for longer.

This may be a touchy question, but what relationship have you had with your player base or users?

I have some of my users hanging in my discord group where we chat like friends, otherwise it's mostly communication through the comment section on the website or feedback by email. I also offer some perks for my patreon supporters such as being able to submit themes and even individual items in the games, I love being able to involve supporters in the proccess! Admittedly when I started out I had a hard time taking criticism but these days I see it as the valuable feedback it can be.

Where do you think the genre is going in the future? What would you personally like to see more of?

That's a good question. Lately I've been thinking of the rise in AI. Will people start using AI to generate images instead of dress up games? Maybe some will, but it's quite a different experience than playing a dress up game so I hope that these games will stay strong. Looking back at the origins of dress up games which I believe would be the old school paper dolls, this concept has been around for a long time and simply evolves with the times. We simply have to be prepared to change with it just like we had to when flash went down and we all had to find alternative routes forward. As mentioned before, I love the passion projects. I love that meiker has made it easier for beginners to get into it and I hope to see more indie devs in the future providing unique experiences!

You've been hard at work reviving old games while making others with new themes. I absolutely love some of the recent niches you've filled, like Space Nobility and Space Western, and I'm so happy to see the superhero one back! Is there any revival or game topic in particular that you're really hoping to get done at some point?

I let my patrons submit and vote for the new game themes so it's largely thanks to them that I go for these themes! The last voting period there was actually a theme that came at a solid second place and I hope will be voted top in the future, it was cyberpunk! There's also a couple of games I've done a long time ago that I'd love to completely redo, like the ghost creator and demon creator!

The next interview will hopefully be released next weekend! Follow me to be notified of when I post!




Posted by Thetageist - September 14th, 2023


Banner by @game-s!

Hello, Newgrounds! If you don’t know me already, my name is Theta, and I’m the ghost who posts, baby! With Halloween coming, everyone’s thinking of a costume - which makes it a perfect time to resurrect a piece of internet history! Dollmakers and dress-up games were a staple of the early days of web games, but they’re still clinging to life even beyond the grave of Flash! So I’ve decided to launch a jam to celebrate the spooky season with some old-school internet flair!

The challenge is simple: Make a dress-up game with a twist in its game mechanics. It can be something as simple as having the character react to what you put them in, or something as complicated as a whole narrative game where dressing up is the main gameplay. Outfit challenges, minigames to get more clothes, selling to customers, the sky’s the limit! Spooky themes are encouraged!

  • Deadline: October 31st at 11:59 PM
  • Rules: No shovelware, no NSFW, no hateful content, stick to the NG rules about AI art.
  • How to participate: Tag your entry with costumejam2023, and I’ll look through the entries after the deadline has passed!

Alright! Put any questions you have on this post! It’s showtime!

Update: Just because I wanted to, I came up with a list of examples of regular dress-up games with additional mechanics, from both the old era and the new. It's probably going to keep being updated. Enjoy!

The big list



Posted by Thetageist - September 4th, 2023

Wanted to make a quick announcement and give a shoutout to @MJsShowtime for being my 275th fan! What do y’all think I should do when I hit 300?


Posted by Thetageist - July 24th, 2023

Did I ever promise publicly that I'd be making music to go with the Rom Reaper Creepypasta? I can't remember, but I did say that to some friends who were on the team, and two tracks are done, with one being posted to YouTube now!

Being a remix, this isn't going to get put up on Newgrounds, but others with original content will, so stay on the lookout!


UPDATE: Next track is out! Check out “Old Derrick” on both NG and YouTube!

BONUS: Since this is also tangentially related to Treasure Island, here's some sketches of reaction faces for my OC Daisy, by @themaskedmonocle. I was going to do the coloring, but I never finished them and am not going to for multiple reasons. Enjoy!




Posted by Thetageist - June 14th, 2023

Greetings from Genesis Robotics again!

I've just put the finishing touches (for now) on four Character.AI chatbots of antagonists from lesser-known media. These bots, as always, are works in progress, so send feedback if you want to!

Miles Cedars (Alton Towers' The Smiler) - Chat here!

Ludwig Von Tökkentäkker (CarnEvil, 1998 video game) - Chat here!

Bierce (Dark Deception) - Chat here!

Maak (Dark Deception) - Chat here!

Update: The Gold Watchers are here! Chat here!

Anyway, enjoy! Gimme your feedback and your funny screenshots too, if you'd like!

-Cass (Thetageist)



Posted by Thetageist - April 28th, 2023

Hey! So it's apparently national or international superhero day, depending on who you ask, and I promised @totally-inkish I'd make another post promoing Calling All Heroes (first one was actually a pretty big success), but I forgot and it's late now and I'm all out of brain to properly write one.

So here's the basic info again, but in a shorter format in case that other one was too long for you.

  • What is this?: An art collab/trading card game project. Themed around superheroes, villains, and other comic-book denizens. Bring your own OC or make a new one for the project!
  • What do I need to do?: We're open to any kind of creator jumping in to help! Most of it will be card art, but the organizer has been planning on giving the Kickstarter page a trailer, which means voice actors, animators, and musicians!
  • When's the deadline?: It's been pushed back to October to give us more time.
  • What's the backer money going to?: Being able to print and sell physical packs of these cards! Afterwards, the money from selling the cards will go to the PA Equality Project, an LGBT charity local to the organizer.
  • What if I can't make it in time?: We're planning on creating more "seasons" of these card packs, so if you need more time, you can add yours to the next one!
  • Who do I go to for more questions?: If I can't answer something, I'll ping @totally-inkish. She organized it, after all, and so she can probably answer a lot more.

If you came here to debate me, don't reply *clap clap*

Have a good night, everyone!

