I don't know why this is so funny. Makes me think of the British people I used to know. They'd probably be either very offended or very amused by this. Nice smooth animation.
I don't know why this is so funny. Makes me think of the British people I used to know. They'd probably be either very offended or very amused by this. Nice smooth animation.
OFFENDED?? (monocle pops off) I hope not.
The movement (as if being moved by a mouse) was a bit weird, but otherwise, I find that really funny and great!
*loud wheezing eventually stops* Okay, this was a good one. The minimalist color scheme, the Foley effects, and the art style definitely contribute to the nice simplicity of this here. Well-done humor, good camera angles, and a great twist. Overall pretty great.
This is great. Honestly, I didn't mind the limited animation, this animation really didn't need anything complicated to be good. It is a little bit shaky, but really I don't mind. The minimalist color scheme is also very nice. Good sounds, story, and camera angles. Overall pretty good.
I am laughing so hard! This is a great animation. Pretty well animated and I love the art style. I might likely come back and watch it again and leave a more detailed review when I'm less tired. But anyway, nice work!
This is a pretty well-made animation. Only two things I can say to criticize it.
- I think this needs subtitles. I can't hear it properly with the distorted voice.
- While this is a good horror animation, it's nowhere near a realistic depiction of a cult, based on what I've read. No real life cult has ever appeared this blatantly sinister, as far as I know of. But you said you've studied cults. Can we compare notes some time in the future?
Appreciate the response and feedback. As far as the cult itself goes I wouldn't say I was ever aiming for a realistic depiction, but rather that of a fantastical/story book reality. So in a sense the ideas was to create an absurdist stereotype of a cult, with references to common themes of child abuse, loss of innocence, and control.
Bahahahaha! This definitely meets the requirements of the assignment, I'd say. Did you get a good grade? I hope you got a good grade. :D
Maybe some time you can collaborate with an animator to make this a full animation. I bet that'd get on the front page of Newgrounds, or at least, it would deserve to.
Yup I did. Sadly, I had more things going on with my life atm and animation collaboration is not really my interest. It would be nice for an animation collab to happen but I’m bad at managing people. I appreciate your respond.
Fed up with "girl falls into favorite fandom" fanfics, are we? So many people are and there exist so many parodies, so this is nothing original at all. But I nevertheless appreciate this animation for the sake of how well it's made. I really like the art style and character designs, they look like a combo of Disney and a more modern cartoon show (the She-Ra reboot, perhaps?). The lighting and visual effects are done very well and the animation is really smooth. This is overall a great animation and I'm glad you're venting your fanfic frustrations in this way. The people who decide to bash the actual human beings behind Mary Sue fics instead would do well to learn from you.
The idea behind the story actually came from my personal fantasizing about hanging out with my favorite characters and the self awareness of how dangerous most places those characters inhibit are. Combine that with a very short deadline and so I ended up with a rather sudden anti-climactic ending. I briefly thought about other endings like the girl realizing the danger herself and then being comically hesitant. This ending was the shortest though so I went with that.
I have 0 problems with people writing, drawing, or just fantasizing about "falling into fandom" things. It can get a bit silly, but if it makes them happy then why the heck not, right? It's a pretty harmless, self-indulgent thing.
Glad to hear you like the visuals! This short is a few years old now, so I hope I improved on the things you enjoyed.
I honestly have to disagree with Krycklund - I think this song and video is actually better than most Minecraft parody music. It's centered around a funny, relatable feeling, and the whole video enhances it, right down to the breaks in the music and the cartoon humor. Most Minecraft parody songs are entirely unironic, which I really don't like, because it's Minecraft, after all. The lyrics were well done, which is another thing a lot of Minecraft parody songs can't claim. The voice acting was also pretty good. Overall, I quite loved this animation.
I am absolutely wheezing at that punch line. I don't even know what FaceApp is, but this animation was definitely fun. Very well done too. Great job!
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
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Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18