Little bit rough, but the concept is hilarious. Did I see this elsewhere online? It looks familiar.
Little bit rough, but the concept is hilarious. Did I see this elsewhere online? It looks familiar.
Maybe! I posted it on Youtube as well. I do admit it's a bit rough and rushed but practise makes perfect
Exactly what I'd expect from an OneyPlays animation - silly faces and cartoony exaggeration, but great animation quality nonetheless.
Thank you!
Anyone else trying too hard to decipher the sequences of letters that show up besides just "FRIENDS"?
Really interesting plot twists in this one, and the visuals are also pretty fun.
I feel like the ending of this series is just going to be another "epic heroes try to be epic heroes but F just murders them all" joke like this, considering how many times it's been reiterated.
Either way... press F to pay resp-X.
Congrats on the daily 3rd place!
Little bit of style inconsistency at times, but otherwise, it's really well done! I love the camera shots you used to illustrate what they were saying, they worked really well. Also, you're great at the magical girl style backgrounds. Adds that little bit of your own personal touch to the animation.
And yes, mermaid cop is a perfect addition - morally, comedically, and visually.
Edit: Understandable, and also wheeze! Okay, clarification, I meant in terms of art style. It works.
inconsistency was intentional, thats common in lets plays
and thank you!
*mermaid cop blushes* "all in the line of duty ma'am"
I get that you were the only animator and you knew your limitations, so I won't comment on that. But despite the storyboard-y style, it was a really beautiful storyboard. The poses and everything worked really well, nothing seemed out of place visually. The individual pieces of the sound design - voice acting, song, and sound effects - also sounded really good!
That being said, there's a few things that didn't resonate as well with me. This episode didn't feel like a beginning episode so much as a season finale with another season coming. The plot was introduced and then quickly resolved; the episode was mostly payoff, and not much buildup or establishment of the situation. I know it likely makes more sense to you, as you know the characters and story by heart, but to someone who's less knowledgeable, it seems a little bit rushed. The mixing wasn't always the best either; sometimes I couldn't hear the dialogue over the song.
However, I recognize that this was created for enjoyment and, most likely, catharsis. So you wouldn't lose my respect if you flat-out ignored my advice. I just think it's cool that you made a whole animation of them to begin with, and I'd love to see more of where this goes from here!
(Also did I see a Tankman in that helicopter?)
Once again, the animations are a little bit weirdly executed, but the models are really cool (I love how the clock's eye works) and the humor is funny! I also thought it was humorous that the clock goes back and forth when the bells ring - even if it looked a little weird, it was a funny cartoonish touch.
The animations look a little bit weird and unnatural, but I love the models (the skeleton especially has an interesting papercraft look), and the doot skeleton joke is great. Happy spooky month!
Hah, I love this. Well-animated in terms of cartoon comedy like this.
I love this. You've managed to achieve a certain type of simultaneous weirdness and beauty that I loved in places like Meow Wolf. I've become very interested in this world that you created and the characters in it. I can't wait to see more!
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
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Joined on 8/11/18