I like the composition! I'd be curious to see how it'd sound with higher-quality instrument patches. Does Soundtrap export MIDI?
I like the composition! I'd be curious to see how it'd sound with higher-quality instrument patches. Does Soundtrap export MIDI?
You have to get premium subscription to it. I am currently using the free version. I'll try to find a way around it.(I can export individual instruments as .wav )
It's a little bit painfully relatable here. I need to go out and do stuff with my free time, but I don't know where to start or where to find the things I can go do.
Very well composed overall, I like the melodic structure.
That makes two of us for sure. Things have a way of working themselves out though! I appreciate the kind words~
Man, this is intense. It’s got a great mix of horror soundtrack and avant-garde contemporary classical. Seems like you’ve got a good grasp of knowing both the standard rules of music and how to break them well. Nice work!
Ayy thanks!
This was one of my earlier orchestrations, mostly just having a fun time messing around with different approaches etc. At some point, I'm keen on doing a much more up-to-date counterpart as an evolution of the idea of this track.
You’ve got a song called “Ahh”? I’ve got a song called “AAH”! I’ve gotta take a look at this one!
I love the instrumentation, but I agree with @Dynamic0 - it could benefit from a melody being introduced somewhere in the buildup. I also expected the buildup to lead somewhere, like a bass drop type of thing followed by a more intense section. Since this is an experimental track, I get that you didn’t quite know where it was going, but I think it’s got potential and you should definitely revisit it!
Yeah..I don't know how to make beat drops...I didn't know that I was a making a buildup, I'm kinda new to making music, maybe this does have some potential! The problem is, this was made in Beepbox, and when you save a file, I can't really get it back to add something to the saved song, but, oh well.
Definitely still a work in progress, but you’ve got a good sense of rhythm! I’d suggest you modify the EQ (probably take down the treble) and mixing to have a less grating sound before you begin, though.
Okay then, thanks for the review, mate!
The troll scream made me almost laugh out loud in public. Well done! You’ve got a great and expressive range of character voices!
Thanks so much! Always a good time when I get to go goblin mode!
Sounds amazing! How do you create ambient stuff? That's one of those things I struggle with.
Thank you so much, this was made in vcv rack with some ambient modules. Vcv rack is a really cool playground for this sort of stuff!
Pretty good! I love the addition of the grunts, coughs, and wheezes - these were all executed very well! The lower voice needs some work, but otherwise, really great demo! If you’re still active, I’d love to have you as part of a collab project I’m working on.
Thank you! :) I've sent you a PM.
I didn't know you did voice acting! I happened to see your name in the Fashion Police credits and started looking for a demo reel.
You should post a demo reel of character voices or something, just to show some of the different things you can do. I'm trying to search for voice actresses for a project, and that'd help me figure out if you'd be a good match for any of the characters!
Anyway, the delivery of this is great, and I love the humor in the script.
All I have right now is an awful blue yeti mic. I just ordered a brand new XLR that I ran by @VoicesByCorey first and he approved! So I'm hoping I can do more voices work soon and it will be better quality.
I like the concept behind this, though I feel like it could be made more compositionally strong - at this point, I'd rank it below Palmtree Path.
Some of the parts of this feel a bit generic, samey, and/or underdeveloped, and I feel like they'd benefit from the introduction of an overarching melody, a little harmonic fleshing-out (instead of the background instruments being in unison all the time) and differentiation between different sections - perhaps a modulation is in order? The sax part starting at 00:08 also sounds a little random and incongruous, with notes that stick out as weird to me.
What'd you use for this, out of curiosity? I love the percussion, by the way.
Honestly my biggest regret with Frebbventure's soundtrack is just that I pushed myself to make a new theme for basically every level and major character battle. I feel like it all works decently enough as ambient noise when paired with the often dense and atmospheric visual style, but I might've been better off putting more time into developing a smaller set of themes. I haven't counted, but there has to be 100+ tracks at this point (at least if we're counting the time and effort that went into unused ones.)
As for my program, I use the Windows version of LMMS. It was what a friend recommended to me a long, long time ago.
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18