I can definitely relate to this, especially the last bit with how winter just outright refuses to be replaced by spring. Love the art style and the colors. Great art!
I can definitely relate to this, especially the last bit with how winter just outright refuses to be replaced by spring. Love the art style and the colors. Great art!
Congrats on getting featured again! I rather like this art piece. Overall it's done very well. Can you explain the design choices behind why you made Cloudy look kind of creepy, since he doesn't really seem to exhibit malevolent tendencies in the game? Whatever reason you had, you definitely made the creepiness work.
Edit: Huh. Interesting take on the character. Once again, props for the great way you did it.
I choose a creepy design for him because I drew
him according to the fanfiction that I read. This fanfiction has a crossover between bbieal and danganronpa and Сloudy is a maniac eye collector that living in the forest in a treehouse.
Hehe, this humanization reminds me a little bit of Kisuke Urahara from Bleach - I think that's because of the hairstyle, the facial hair, and the green and white stripes. I love the art overall! My only question is, what's going on with his elbow? I might be misunderstanding it, but it really looks like he needs to put a bandage on that or else it'll get infected badly. Overall the art is really cool. I like this style you've been doing recently with the colorful outlines on dark backgrounds. It's really eye-catching.
it's a tattoo on his elbow.
Pretty good job! The face shape isn't nearly as good as the rest of the art - hehe, it looks kinda like Shaggy. Pretty good job with the rest of it, though. Overall decent.
As the other people said, it's pretty basic, but nonetheless, it looks like it took a lot of effort to make these 3D models. Maybe if you ever come back to this, you should add some nicer texturing to it to make it look less bland.
Pfsnrk! Well done. My main criticisms are that Gin's mouth/facial expression looks a bit off, mainly the mouth, and that the use of quick-shape speech bubbles and Arial font doesn't really go with the style. Otherwise a nice piece.
I love this so much. The cartoony style and the fact that the sword is bending a little to emphasize the emotion makes it even better. Sentient items in fantasy universes are always so much fun. Also, nice execution of drawing the hair and clothes.
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHA... will add more to review later when I'm done laughing...
Yay, Bleach! I haven't seen much other Bleach fanart on Newgrounds (definitely just me not knowing how some of the search stuff works), so I'm definitely happy to see this here! Unpopular opinion, I personally can't stand Ichigo, but this art is awesome nonetheless. Only semi-criticism here is that I'm not sure how realistic the hair looks to me - my eyes could very well just be thrown off by the color. I particularly like the way the red strap-thing is drawn, with the slight overlap. Robe is also very well done too, and the lighting is done well. Hmm, he doesn't look angry enough... I'm kidding :) Overall a great piece.
Edit: I just clicked on the "bleach" tag and all I see is very sexual drawings of the women. I am even happier to see this art than I was before.
Lol thank you! Yeah this artwork is pretttttty old and doesn't hold up to my own current standards, but yeah...
The world could definitely do with more Ichigo fanart
This is a very wholesome art work (unless you're the type to over-focus on what Elsa would do with the Infinity Gauntlet, in which case, stop being that type). Very well made, too! It falls nicely in the middle between Frozen's cartoony style and Infinity War's, well, live-action realism. There's a nice variety of well-executed textures here, including some really awesome magic snow. Great wind physics, I might end up taking a look at this later as I've been trying to do things being blown in a circle around a person for an art piece I'm working on. Overall, this is really sweet and hilarious. I love it!
P.S. This just suddenly reminded me of a joke my friend made once. Y'know how in Frozen 2 there's the whole four elements thing with those four diamond-shaped symbols? Well, he had recently bought a Happy Meal from McDonalds that came with a paper wristband that had the four element symbols on it. He said something along the lines of "With the combined power of the Elsa stones..." and I said something like "I am Captain Planet." :)
Thank you so much for the lengthy review! I'm glad you liked it :D a tooooooon of work went into this one...
PS: That's hilarious lol
Pronounced Theta-geist.
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Joined on 8/11/18