I love it so much. We must take care of the small child.
The background being all patchwork-like really adds something interesting to it, but I am too half-asleep at this point to put it in words.
I love it so much. We must take care of the small child.
The background being all patchwork-like really adds something interesting to it, but I am too half-asleep at this point to put it in words.
Have you gone insane yet? I need an update now.
Love the brush work here.
Still lucid for the most part! (admittedly this canvas is behind a bunch of others leaning against the wall so the full effects are not as potent)
The half tone shading makes it look a bit more like chain mail than plate armor, but the placement of the shading is well done! Hope you enjoyed this experiment, please keep posting art!
Sassiest goth man you could ever imagine.
Pretty well-executed with the pose and rendering. I feel like the head is a little big but you did a good job otherwise!
Love that shine you put on the fabric and how he hides his face with the sword as well as the shadow of the hood.
The spotlight has a nice dramatic effect too.
Holy shit, you just drew this yesterday? I think I have found my new drug deale- I mean hyperfixation artist.
Love your art style a lot and how it works pretty seamlessly with the background.
Did you… intend to make him hot? Or is that just me overdosing on shirtless dudes and dicks because of this game? Lol.
Anyway, the rendering is awesome, and I love the pose and composition too. Would look good in a Funger fanart zine lol
YAY MINIATURE PAINTING! I don’t do it myself, but it feels so rare to find someone on NG who does this difficult but impressive art form!
The amount of detail is amazing. It still seems impossible to me to have the dexterity required to paint these things.
I love the crooked angle and how the wall hole frames the buff birdman.
I feel like he’s become an iconic enemy just for being so difficult, lol.
Somebody beat me to the “wananananana” lol
Love her in your style!
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18