Very fun designs and poses!
Very fun designs and poses!
Thank you!
Love her spiral hair and western-ish clothing! Very fun design!
Thank you kindly! ♥
She's a good honest hardworkin' gal!
Who is this adorable creature with the dango buns? 🍡
Definitely not your usual type of character, your style is very versatile!
she has no name yet! but shes just a fella
Three fans? How?
Love her design and your vibrant coloring/shading style! What’s Icon? I’m curious to hear more!
Very sweet of you to say! I do really enjoy shading/coloring so I'm glad that's what you enjoy most about it. I'm probably only at 3 fans because I'm a new account?
ICON is a ttrpg currently available for playtesting! me and my friends have been having a lot of fun with it lately, it has a cool class system with 4 main archetypes (fighter/mage/rogue/healer) split into several specific jobs and tactical combat but you could just use the narrative rules if you want. Given it's not officially out there aren't any big campaigns written for it so your DM can just go nuts with the loose lore available for the setting. Right now me and my friends are just kinda having fun wandering around in the dungeons our DM built for us we're still working our way towards having a big concrete goal as a party.
Ceres just wants to help protect people in trouble though so wherever the action is she's sure to make a mad dash for the frontlines! Despite being a mage (or "wright") archetype class the one I picked for her (spellblade) is on the bulkier side.
This is adorable haha. The dialogue fits her very well.
aw gosh, thank you! this is a bit old by now, but I still found the dialogue really cute when I first heard it in-game! :D
I really appreciate the comment, thank youu!!
Love the combo of cute simple mascot and eldritch horror, and the contrast in design and art style between those things.
For some reason, I can imagine them being the PNGtuber mascot of a YouTube channel that has an attached horror ARG. Like the channel stages these videos and the character’s lapses into his horror modes to tell the story, while leaving a ton up to the imagination of the viewer.
That sounds friggin awesome tbh
There have been times that I had some ideas for horror ARGs in the past, really cool stuff
Love the design - very bold and artsy!
thank you! <:
Cute! Love the colors and shading!
Thanks!, I'm trying to work on this style more glad you like it!
That lighting is intense, I love it! Your D&D character designs always seem to have such a wonderful darkness to them.
Thank you so much!! ^^ I really love exploring the darker potential of characters for DnD <v<
Never heard of this! Tell me more!
Fanart looks excellent, I love the little touches that make it feel like a painting.
Its a gacha mobile game with like railshooter vibes :3
Pronounced Theta-geist.
I dabble in everything, trying to make games. ¡Hablo español también!
I sometimes make A-rated horror. Don't lie about your age!
Banner and pfp by @TBerger
Legal adult, Undead
Joined on 8/11/18