Hi, I'm posting this really late because I got distracted.
Ever since the success of Pokémon Mystery Meat (which still isn't completely done!) I've had a ton more collab ideas, and a desire to figure out what exactly I want to do next, either once the bigger game project is done or in the meantime while I'm working on it.
Considering I'll soon be taking on more responsibility in real life, I can't guarantee that any of these will happen, but I'd still like to do a survey regarding my other collab ideas to see what exactly the people want.
The art collabs would be held over on the Collab Forum, whereas the audio collabs would be in the NGAP Collab Center Discord server (maybe also in a BBS thread).
Let me know if you have any further questions regarding any of these! Thanks!
-Cass (Thetageist)
sended! :)
Thank you so much!